Welcome to the announcement page for Chem-E-Car Club!


This is where you will get up-to-date information on what's happening in the club. Subscribe to the club listserv here if you are a student and want updates through email. If you are interested in joining the club, contact one of our club leaders or advisors here. Regular club meetings are on Wednesdays at 6 pm in Graf 208; for more accurate information on the upcoming meeting please look at the updates below. Meeting minutes for the previous meetings will also be posted here for more detailed information.


Meeting Minutes and Announcements:

02/12/2015 - All About That Base

01/31/2015 - Let's Get Social

01/24/2015 - Pizza Party

01/22/2015 - Where'd You Go? I miss you so

01/15/2015 - Thurman will be Missed

01/10/2015 - First Winter Meeting

12/04/2014 - Final Fall Meeting

11/20/2014 - Plans Before Winter Break

11/06/2014 - General Updates and Work Plan

10/30/2014 - Planning and Ideas

10/23/2014 - Safety Meeting

10/15/2014 - Updates and Next Meeting