CONSTITUTION (adopted 11/16/05)
I - Name Section
name of this organization shall be the Oregon State
Student Branch of the IEEE. Article
II - Purpose Section
purpose of this Branch shall be the dissemination of
knowledge of the theory and practice of all aspects
of electrical engineering, electronics, radio,
allied branches of engineering or the related arts
and sciences, as well as the furtherance of the
professional development of the Students. Section 3.
organization and operation of the Branch shall be in
accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the
IEEE. Article
III - Membership Section 4.
Active Members shall be enrolled
students at Section 5.
Associate members shall be faculty or
staff interested in electrical engineering.
They shall not be eligible to vote or hold
office. Section 6.
The membership shall consist of
Student members of the IEEE. Section
voting participants and officers of Oregon State
Student Branch of the IEEE must be currently
enrolled for at least 6 credits at Section
and/or participation shall not be denied to any
student on the basis of race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual
orientation, age, marital status, disability,
disabled veteran or veteran status.
IV - Dues Section
No dues are required to participate in
the Oregon
State Student Branch of the IEEE. Section 10. The Executive Committee of the Branch shall have the power to levy special assessments upon endorsement by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the Branch. Article
V - Officers Section 11.
The officers of the Branch shall be
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,
Membership, Publicity Manager, Store Manager, and
Webmaster. These
officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the
constitution and bylaws and by the parliamentary
authority adopted by the association. Section 12.
A candidate must be enrolled as a
Student member of the IEEE or join upon election and
a member in good standing in the local Branch. Section 13.
New officers shall be elected by May 1st
of each year.
Election shall be by secret ballot, and the
candidates receiving the most votes shall be named
to their respective offices. Section 14.
Officers shall be elected to serve for
one year. New officers will shadow the current
officers until the end of the spring term. The term
of office for new officers shall begin the day
following the close of spring term. Section 15.
Vacancies in offices shall be filled
by nomination and voting of a quorum of active
members. Section 16.
shall have earned at least 6 credit hours in their
most recently completed term. This requirement does
not apply to first-term freshmen or first-term
transfer students. Section 17.
shall be registered for at least 6 hours currently. Section 18.
shall not be on disciplinary probation. Section 19.
shall have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 and not
have been on probation for the most recently
completed term prior to the term of election. Section 20.
graduate student must pay student fees and meet the
same requirements as an undergraduate student with
the exception that full time status shall be a
minimum of 6 hours with a minimum cumulative GPA of
3.00. Section 21.
officer may be relieved of his status if he misses
more than two (2) meetings of the Executive
Committee per quarter during the academic year.
Internships are not valid exceptions. Relieving an
officer of his status requires a unanimous vote by
the remainder of the Executive Committee. This vote
shall be conducted by secret ballot. Article
- Executive
Committee Section
The management of the affairs of the
Branch shall be in the hands of the Executive
Committee, consisting of the duly elected officers
of the Branch and the Counselor appointed by the
IEEE. The President of the Branch shall be the
Chairman of the Executive Committee. Section
The Executive Committee shall be the
governing body of the Branch and shall transact all
business it deems advisable, including the filling
of vacancies in offices, authorization of
expenditure, etc. Section
The Executive Committee shall be
subject to the orders of the Branch, and none of its
actions shall conflict with actions taken by the
Branch. Article
- Officer
Duties Section 25.
President shall preside at all meetings of the
Executive Committee and of the Branch. The President
shall appoint all committees, subject to the
approval of the Executive Committee, and shall
assume all other executive duties not otherwise
delegated. Section 26.
The Vice
President shall perform all functions of the
President in the latter’s absence or at his
request. The Vice President shall be responsible for
contacting company representatives to speak on
campus. The Vice President shall ensure that
companies pay their fees within 30 days of visiting
campus. Section 27.
Secretary shall keep a record of all activities of
the Branch. The Secretary shall carry on all other
communications necessary to the activities of the
Branch. The Secretary shall maintain a record of the
names of officers and members in attendance at each
meeting. The Secretary shall keep minutes during
each meeting and make them available to the officers
within one week. Section 28.
Treasurer shall receive all money and pay all debts
of the Branch and IEEE Student Store authorized by
the Executive Committee, and shall keep an exact
account of all receipts and expenditures. The
Treasurer is responsible for reserving a cash box
when necessary. Section 29.
Membership officer shall maintain an active email
list of all the members of the Branch. The
Membership officer shall also maintain an active
email list of the Executive Committee. The
Membership officer shall send email notices to the
members of the Branch regarding upcoming events. The
Membership officer is also responsible for promoting
Student membership in the IEEE. Section 30.
Publicity Manager shall post fliers and create
posters to advertise events held by the Branch. The
Publicity Manager shall remove fliers and posters
within one week after the event. The Publicity
Manager shall write emails promoting events and
forward them to the Membership officer to send to
the Branch members. Section 31.
The Store
Manager shall monitor store inventory and order new
parts as necessary. The Store Manager shall also
manage student workers and train new volunteers as
needed. Section 32.
Webmaster shall maintain a webpage for the Branch.
The webpage should contain active links and accurate
information, including sections with announcements,
upcoming events, meeting minutes, and current
officer names and contact information. The Webmaster
shall archive the webpage at least once per academic
year. Article
VIII - Meetings Section
The Executive Committee shall hold at
least one meeting per week during the academic year.
All officers are required to attend these meetings. Section 34. The Branch shall hold a minimum of three meeting per year that are open to all members and participants of the Branch. Section 35. Special meetings may be called by the President or the Executive Committee and shall be called upon the written request of the association. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the notice and three days' notice shall be given except in cases of emergency. Section 36. Fifty-one percent (51%) or 10, whichever is fewer, of the members and participants of the Branch shall constitute a quorum. Article
IX - Activities Section 37.
The Branch shall hold regular business
meetings with invited speakers on topics of interest
at least three times per academic year. Section 38. The Branch shall hold a social, academic, and/or career activity for all members and participants at least twice per academic year.
X -
Standing Committees Section
Committees, standing or special, shall
be appointed by the President as the Branch or the
Executive Committee deems necessary to carry on the
work of the Branch. Article
XI - Advisor Section
An advisor shall be elected when the
current advisor leaves. The election of an advisor
shall be held in the same manner as the Branch's
officers. Responsibilities shall be those assigned
by Section
The advisor shall serve as a resource
for the Executive Committee. The advisor shall be a
member in good standing in the IEEE. Section 42.
advisor may be relieved of his/her status by a
unanimous vote of the remainder of the Executive
Committee. This vote shall be conducted by secret
ballot. Article
XII - Parliamentary
Authority Section
The rules contained in the current
edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised
shall govern the association in all cases to which
they are applicable and in which they are not
inconsistent with the constitution, bylaws, and
special rules of order the Branch may adopt. Article
XIII - Amendments Section
The Branch is empowered to adopt
Bylaws which are consistent with this Constitution. Section 45. This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the Branch by two-thirds vote, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting. All amendments must be approved by the Student Activities Committee.