This page serves as an archive for current students to reference past student’s posters. These posters have been presented at National BMES conferences. Please remember, these posters are to serve as a guide, NOT to be plagiarized. Respect your fellow students.

Each submission will have the name of the student, the title of his or her research, and a pdf to the poster.

Name Title
Melissa Champer Improved Subset Selection for Texture Based Deformation Mapping Techniques
Christine Kang Au-some nanosheets: Interfacial adsorption and the assembly of gold nanoparticle embedded peptoid nanosheets
Nicholas Larkey Design concepts of Nucleic Acid Biosensors for Highly Sensitive miRNA Sensing
Alden Moss Investigating the Potential for Cryopreservation of Human Granulocytes with Concentrated Glycerol

* No poster listed and/or information provided