The meeting opened with Dr. Skip discussing Safety methods the club should consider this year.

The first being we should have a Lab Journal to keep track of all Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) and events involving the car.

Another is the idea of writing safety slips each meeting, and reviewing them the beginning of each meeting.

Finally a reminder to store chemicals in the proper locations. Chemicals should not be stored in the fume hood, gas tanks should be properly operated.


The club split into group meetings.

Wyatt leads Fuel Cell Car, Elizabeth leads Innovative Car. (Elizabeth not present, Marshall lead the group this meeting.


Each group discussed ideas for components of the car, introduced its members and their work interest, and introduced the basic components of the cars.


Should a member have an idea for the car, they should research it and present it to the club and/or captain to put it into action.


Current ideas for the club

  • SOP for journal entries

  • Gantt Planner Diagram to organize deadlines for each team and the club as a whole.

  • Recruitment of Electrical Engineers by announcing it in classrooms


Next week Wyatt should bring materials to join CBEE Club officially (if members haven’t already, they can bring 10$ and join CBEE Club)

AICHE requirements for competition, cars, and the required document for each car is posted on the AICHE website.