Adopted: 21 January 2014
Article l - Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization.
Section 1: Name:
Oregon State Chem-E-Car Club
Section 2 - Purpose:
Represent Oregon State University at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) annual Chem-E-Car competition by building a car in accordance with the AIChE guidelines.
Section 3 - Non-Discrimination Policy:
Membership and the right to participate shall not be denied to any student on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, disabled veteran or Vietnam era veteran status.
Article II - Membership:
Section 1. Active Members:
Active Members shall be enrolled students at Oregon State University; be a member of AIChE and the Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering (CBEE) Student Club; and have paid CBEE club dues.
Section 2. Associate members shall be faculty or staff interested in Chem-E Car Club. They shall not be eligible to hold office or vote.
Section 3. Annual dues of $10 to the CBEE Club shall be paid by the third meeting of each year, after which a member will be dropped for nonpayment of dues.
Section 4. All voting members and officers of Chem-E Car Club must be currently enrolled for at least 6 credits at Oregon State University.
Section 5. All members are expected to attend at least four meetings an academic term. Exceptions may be made in certain circumstances or with prior arrangements.
Article III – Officers (Organizational Leaders):
Section 1. The officers of the association shall be Chem-E-Car Chair, Captain(s), Secretary, Safety Coordinator, Treasurer, Webmaster and Quartermaster. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the constitution and bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the association
Section 2. Officers shall be nominated in October or November of each year. Election shall be held by secret ballot, and the candidates receiving the most votes shall be named to their respective offices.
Section 3. Officers shall be elected to serve for one year or until their successors are elected, and their terms of office shall begin at the close of the meeting at which they are elected.
Section 4. Vacancies in offices shall be filled by nomination and voting of a quorum of active members.
Section 5. Officers shall have earned at least 6 credit hours in their most recently completed term. This requirement does not apply to first-term freshmen or first-term transfer students.
Section 6. Duties and roles of each officer.
Chem-E-Car Chair: Coordinate with CBEE Student Club; oversees all club activities and all other leadership positions; coordinate with faculty advisor.
Captain(s): Organize group members in the construction of the car; coordinates with Quartermaster and Treasurer for all purchasing needs for the team; support Chem-E Car Club members in their design of the car.
Secretary: Responsible for compiling meeting minutes; coordinates the development and production of the Engineering Documentation Package required for the Chem-E-Car competition.
Safety Coordinator: Oversee reactions and construction of cars using AIChE guidelines; coordinates with secretary in the development of the Engineering Documentation Package.
Treasurer: Coordinates with other leaders in regards to sponsorships; works with Quartermaster for purchases.
Webmaster: Design and upkeep of Chem-E Car Club website.
Quartermaster: Order supplies. Work with Chemical Store and faculty advisor.
Article IV - Executive Committee:
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall include the officers of the association. They shall supervise affairs of the association between its business meetings, make recommendations to the association and perform other duties as specified in the constitution and bylaws. The Executive Committee shall be subject to the orders of the association and none of its actions shall conflict with actions taken by the association.
Article V – Method of Removing Officers and Members.
Section 1. All members, including officers, are required to uphold Oregon State University's’ Student Conduct Code
Section 2. Any member of the club has the right to notify any officer if they feel another officer has breached the Student Conduct Code (SCC) that deems removal from their elected positions. A closed door leaders meeting in the presence of the faculty advisor(s) will be held to review the actions of the officer under review. Said officer will have an opportunity to present their rebuttal at the beginning of the meeting. After which, said officer will be removed from the meeting. The leaders will determine by majority vote what action is appropriate given the circumstance.
Section 3. Violation of the SCC by general members will be handled using the same guidelines as Article V Section 2.
Article VI – Advisor(s):
Section 1. The faculty advisor(s) must be an Oregon State University faculty member or administrative & professional staff and be appointed/assigned by the sponsoring unit.
Section 2. The role of the faculty advisor(s) will be to advise the club officers and members; provide meeting locations, equipment, and supplies; oversee safety and AIChE guidelines; ensure all club activities abide by the Student Conduct Code.
Article VII – Meetings of the Organization:
Section 1. General meetings will be held weekly as needed.
Article VIII – Method of Amending Constitution: Proposals, notice, and voting requirements.
Section 1. Any member can bring an amendment to the constitution to the attention of the officers. Officers will then have a preliminary vote to determine if the amendment is valid. If the amendment is deemed valid the amendment will be brought to a general meeting and voted on by the club. A quorum of 60% of active members must be present at the voting meeting, and a two-thirds vote by present members is required to approve of the amendment. Members will be notified via email at least a week in advance of the vote.
Section 2. Officers have the authority to make alterations prior to general vote.
Article IX – Parliamentary Authority
Section 1. All discussions will be led by officers, and all points of discussion will be addressed in the order presented. Any members can contribute to discussions as recognized by officers.