Engineering Student Council

ESC is a student-run organization at Oregon State University working to coordinate and support the activities of engineering student organizations, and the students therein. ESC is the single point of reference in the College of Engineering between faculty, staff, and students for resources pertaining to the creation of new student organizations and the operation of existing ones (policies regarding funding, fundraising, travel, events). ESC is committed to helping engineering organizations and individuals reach their full potential through professional advancement workshops and outreach events.

About Us

-- ESC Resources --

 ESC Newsletter Sign Up

Use this link to sign up for our weekly emails!

 ESC Instagram

Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date on all of our events and deadlines!

 ESC 101

This guide is great if you are looking to start a club, revive a club, or just run an existing club.

 ESC Google Drive

Additional information on our events, funding, and meetings.

 ESC Discord

Join the Discord to chat with ESC officers and club leaders in COE!

 ESC Feedback Form

Want to give us feedback? Submit through this anonymous form!

ESC Office Hours:

Tuesdays 5-6 pm in Johnson 219

Contact for any questions/concerns.

-- What We Do --

Host Events

Engineering Council promotes and develops students and student organizations for success through on-campus events. Check out our cool student organizations every fall at Cookies and Clubs, or perhaps join us to celebrate the discipline of engineering during E-Week!

Facilitate Meetings

The ESC facilitates two General Body Meetings, mandatory for all SSOs during Week 2 & 6 at 6 PM. Here, the officers will share updates, solicit feedback, and more. These meetings are valuable as the ESC shares various support and resources for club officers and leaders to recruit, develop, and retain their members.

Funding Square

Organize Funding

Looking for funding from OSU's college of engineering? We've got you covered. Our yearly funding process allows student organizations to receive funding on the basis of activity reporting and participation within SSOs. Check out the funding page to learn more about applying for funding.

-- ESC Events Timeline --


Events Page

Fall Term

Cookies and Clubs

  • Happens a few days before fall term starts
  • The largest COE club fair at OSU, and is primarily geared towards the incoming Freshman.

Leadership Retreat

  • Mid Fall term 
  • Only for COE club leaders to inform them about the logistics of running a club and the skills they will need to excel as a leader.


Winter Club Fair

  • Mid Winter Term
  • Smaller club fair to get additional club participation later in the school year.

Engineers' Week (EWEEK)

  • Mid Winter Term
  • A full week of events for all engineering students to attend. 
    • Ex. Pecha Kucha, Rock the Plaza, Diversity Dialogues and more!

ESC Elections

  • Occurs at the week 6 General Body Meeting.
  • Any COE student can run to become a member of ESC as a Vice-President or Chair. 


Dam Distinguished

  • An award event where the great students and faculty working in the clubs get recognized for all their hard work.