Get Involved
The Oregon State American Nuclear Society Student Chapter is open to all who have an interest in nuclear science and technology. If you would like to join, look us up on the Clubs & Organizations page at Select "Join now" to be directed to Ideal-Logic where you can fill out a membership form to be added to our mailing list. For any specific questions about our chapter please contact or one of our student officers.
ANS National
An ANS national student membership costs $30 annually. First-time student members can join for only $20. Contact your Student Section president ( for the special discount code. Be sure to state your involvement in our OSU chapter when registering as a student member. Learn more about the American Nuclear Society at
Contact the Faculty Advisor (Dr. Madicken Munk, for more information on ANS national memberships.
Connect on Social Media
Keep up to date on all ANS events with our website as well as our Instagram page:
Follow us @ansosuchapter or click the link: