Engineers In Action
OSU Engineers In Action is a subgroup within the OSU student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Engineers In Action's mission is to design and construct suspended footbridges that connect rural communities around the world to essential resources. Students emb
ark on a year-long project to design, fund, and construct a bridge, gaining practical engineering, project management, and cross-cultural collaboration experience.
To learn more about our current project and team, visit the OSU EIA website.
To learn more about Engineers In Action's history and impact, visit the official Engineers In Action website.
To Donate to the OSU EIA Chapter, please go to the OSU Foundation. At the "I want to give to:" prompt, please type Co-Curricular Activities Fund. Then, in the Comments or special instructions section, please type: Co-Curricular Activities Fund for: ASCE-EIA.
You can also donate by check to: OSU Foundation, 4238 Research Way, Corvallis, OR 97333, (541) 737-4218. Don't forget to clearly indicate Co-Curricular Activities Fund for ASCE-EIA.
To join, contact someone on our team!
Contact Us:
Landon Fick | Co-President
Jacob O'Brien | Co-President
Jamie Sanders | Co-President
Dr. Farahnaz Soleimani | EIA Faculty Advisor
Dr. Tom Miller | ASCE/EIA Faculty Advisor Emeritus